Learning Paths » 5A Interacting

MToso - 5A - Postmodernism - Nice Work
by MToso - (2011-11-24)
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Nice Work by David Lodge

The extract was taken from the second chapter of the book "Nice Work" written by David Lodge. Right from the start the reader understands that the writer is going to introduce a character. She is Robyn Penrose, a Temporary Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Rummidge. From her surname the reader can understand that she is a writer; Lodge adds that her favourite phrase is "that is to say", and he introduces her underlining her opinion about novels and capitalism.


The chapter is concentrated on her philosophy: she thinks that the classic novel and capitalism are expressions of a secularized Protestant ethic, both dependent on the idea of an autonomous individual self who is responsible for and in control his own destiny, seeking happiness and fortune in competition with other autonomous selves.


After showing Robyn's point of view, the writer describes her awaking one day of January.


At the end of this chapter the writer introduces another character, Charles, and informs the reader he is going to talk about him.