Textuality » 4A Interacting

RBarzellato - Getting around
by RBarzellato - (2011-12-01)
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Studying at Oxford University

Watching an introductive video of Oxford University I understand it is a beautiful experience. It isn’t only a studying experience but it is also a social experience. There are lots of activities as sports, music groups, …

First of all you are with lots of other students and you have to live with them. Indeed there are lots of rooms, called common rooms, in which students meet with other friends. So you “learn” to stay/live with other people.

Besides there are lots of students coming from all over the world so you come in contact with lots of different cultures. The interviewees are three students: a Chinese girl, an African boy and the president student; she is from London. Just from it you understand there are lots of students with other cultures.

 I think a phrase said by the student president of St Cross College is very signified. She says:”People here, are from all over the world. It means we can have e very different and variable social life. We have lots of opportunities to celebrate other people’s culture in special events”. It means students use their differences to make some activities that may  be useful and curious from the other students who have different habits.

Another important phrase, said by the African boy, is:”Here, I met the best people in my life … I’m here and…I’m lucky because it is one of the best universities in the world!”. It means the boy is very happy to have the possibility to study at Oxford. He know it is difficult because there he’s met “the best people” but he is motivated because he thinks school is important. Also another boy thinks schooling is very important, indeed when the interviewer asked him if studying at Oxford is expensive he answers:” It is more expensive than the other universities but it is one of the best and we…will be the best!”.

All of the students are happy and satisfy of their experience in Oxford.