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LMigli - Getting around the world
by LMigli - (2011-12-02)
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The University of Oxford is a university located in Oxford, United Kingdom, and it is the oldest one in the English-speaking world.


Watching the video I can understand that it is big and well-organized, because the students live in an atmosphere of strong education and respectful silence. I can also see that the university
is linked to religion; in addition lots of important people like Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela and Benazir Bhutto studied there.

In Oxford you can find some of the finest libraries and research labs in the world; I can also see people from all over the world: it implies that Oxford is opened to different cultures and people.

It is full of history and tradition and there you can also find cultural groups and sport teams; Oxford gives you a brilliant and complete education and it prepares you to all academic studies.


Oxford is an ancient and beautiful city: you can find at the same time museums and restaurants, art galleries and shops.

From the video I can also understand that the university of Oxford is based on seriousness and respect, because the students are involved into learning to create their own future.

People are asked to study hard and to be interested in studying, because attending the university of Oxford is a big privilege. It goes without saying that after studying in Oxford you can easily find a job.

Summing up ,the university of Oxford is very well-organized and everybody creates his own future...but don't worry, you can also have fun!