Learning Paths » 5A Interacting

LRusso - The Modern Age - Virginia Woolf – What a Mourning – The reader’s point of view
by LRusso - (2011-12-19)
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Virginia Woolf - What a Mourning - The reader's point of view


•·        Mrs Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself à past  tense

•·        For Lucy had her work ..... fresh as if issued to children on a beach àfuture tense  (Rumpelmayer' s men were coming)

•·        What a lack! What a plunge! ..... into the open air à present e past tense (she could hear now)

•·        How fresh , how calm, .... the kiss of the wave àpast tense

•·        Chill and sharp and yet ..... Peter Walsh à past tense

•·        He would be back from India one of these days .... for his letters were awfully dull à future tense

•·        It was his saying one remembered ....  a few saying like this about cabbages à past tense

•·        She stiffened a little ....  Waiting to cross very upright à present tense (a charming woman)

•·        For having lived in Westminster ...  before Big Ben strikes à present tense

•·        There! Out it boomed ....  they love life à present tense

In people's eyes .....  this moment of June à present tense.