Learning Paths » 5A Interacting

GTrevisan - 5 A - The Modern Age - Verb tenses in mrs Dalloway
by GTrevisan - (2011-12-19)
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Present tenses:

The reader can notice the use of the present tense :

·        in the  line 32 ;

·        in the lines 34 and 35;


·       and in the sequence from line 37 to the end of the extract;

Past tenses:

The  reader notices the frequent use of the past tenses in the first half of the extract. more precisely past tenses are used

·     from line 7 lo line 10;


·       from line 13 to line 14;

·        from line 17 to line 24.


·        and from line 25 to line 30.

Future tenses:

future tenses are used at the beginning of the extract, more precisely from line 1 to line 6.

The use of different verbal tenses better focuses the reader attention on the many
shifting moods of the protagonist, Clarissa Dalloway.