Learning Paths » 5B Interacting

DIacuzzo - 5B - Modernist Fiction. V. Woolf and J. Joyce - Synthesis of The Stories
by DIacuzzo - (2012-03-08)
Up to  5 B - Remedial Work. How to work with sentencesUp to task document list

Synthesis of the Stories


1- The protagonist of the first story is Eddy. When he was young he loved music very much, but when he entered university he decided to study medicine. After the degree, he worked in a hospital and he noticed that music was a suitable therapy that made feel patients happier. When he had an office, he put a tape recorder. One day in the waiting room there were many people complaining about their pains. Hearing the music, a woman thought that the doctor, instead of taking care of his patients, was playing the violin in his surgery. The woman confused the sound with live music, so she thought the doctor was playing classical music.


2- In a train compartment six people were travelling and one of them was a very rude person. When the train stopped, he took off with his big bags and he went away. When he was a bit far, one of the other passengers in that compartment opened the window and shouthed him he had forgotten something there. The rude man ran back and he asked him what he had left there. The other passenger answered him he had left there a bad impression.