Learning Paths » 5B Interacting

GPerissutti-5 B - Remedial Work. How to work with sentences- synthesis short Stories
by GPerissutti - (2012-03-14)
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The protagonist is Eddy. When he was young he loved music very much, but when he entered university he decided to study medicine. After degree, he worked in a hospital and while he was working he noticed that music was a therapy for his patients. When he got an office he started to use a tape recorder in his studio. One day a nurse asked him why he is playing the violin instead cured his patient.



On a train there were six people. Five of them were silent and educated, the sixth was rude. When the train stopped the rude person got off the train and one of the people that remained on the train said him that he left on the train something. The rude one asked what he had left and he answered he had left a bad impression.