Learning Paths » 5C Interacting

Notes - 22nd March 2012
by MDudine - (2012-03-28)
Up to  5 C. James Joyce's The DeadUp to task document list

The dead is the last short story and it works as a sort of “coda” to the whole collection and it has been classified by Joyce as the conclusion of Dubliners. Paradigmatic message to the whole mankind, it includes people and styles. Symbolic realism: how does Joyce symbolic realism actually work? It works resorting to symbolism. The symbolism of the proper names, objects, situations. The dinner for instance. Music and snow. Why has our mind no boundaries? Classical culture. Gabriel: message. Ability to tell somebody a message change the whole world for the life of tat person. A moment of being exist only if you are aware of it. Joyce: the code of rule. DNA: recording of our past. Myth of Sysifus. Greta feels guilty for the death of her boy. Who are the dead? The living and the dead. Research. Two epiphany: quando l’uomo sente la zia suonare e l’epifania di quando si sente la musica. Tutti i personaggi sono di mezza età à riflettono. La pioggia che cade a gocce dall’albero. Temporaneity of existance. It record the double part of the nature. Who are the dead so? The original part of Gabriel. People who are buried. They have no soul, death has no soul. How can a dead person exist?


T.S. Elliot. Judgment. Put in a better focus on his idea of what traditions are. Signifiance is not meaning. Labour means something that implies a lot of suffering. Labour: before giving birth, women. To become a cultural person you have to suffer a lot. It includes the historical sense. Historical sense: perception of the pastness of the past but also to its presence in present. Presence of  Shakesperean elements in Joyce, for instance. Joyce: summa antropologica VS. summa teologica. Nella tradizione si incorpora la consapevolezza della simultaneità del tempo e in piu ha l’uso dell’autore con la propria lingua del suo tempo. Canone estetico dell’equilibrio.