Textuality » 3A Interacting

VLepre - Summer Homework and Lead in (2)
by VLepre - (2011-09-25)
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Dear Sara,
Hi! How are you? Are you happy in France? I hope you do not have trouble with the host family this time. However, this year you will not have so many problems with the language, will you?
Anyway, are you in the same class of last year's, with the same friends and classmates? Unfortunately, we lost some schoolmates (but we also have a new girl in our class; she comes from 2ndB). In addition changed several teachers and added new subjects. The timetable is still irregular, but it is going to be heavier than last year's one, and we will have less free time. So we are rather confused. This year it is completely different: it will be demanding for us! And there's also another change: periods of lessons last 60 minutes and no longer 55. This causes some problems to who takes the bus to go to school. And you? How long do French periods of lessons last?
By the way, do you attend any extra-curricular activities? I am going to follow the chess course and Photoshop lessons. Is it possible to do this (or other similar activities) in France too? Let me know.
That's all for now.
Write me soon.

PS. Do you miss speaking Italian?