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BMolinaro- Webquest
by BMolinaro - (2012-04-15)
Up to  3 A. Romance. Studying Romance and Chivalry in English Medieval LiteratureUp to task document list
Who was the Real King Arthur?
There are historical evidences that prove that Arthur was most likely a Romanized Celt.
A Celtic leader named Artorius , for a brief period in the 5th century A.D. who fought against
Anglo-Saxons. A sixth-century monk named Gildas in his ''On the Ruin of Britain'' and The Venerable Bede in his eighth-century ''Ecclesiastical History'' describe the fate of the Celts and they both mention Badon Hill, a battle site later associated with Arthur but they never make explicit reference to Arthur. It is not until the 9th century that Nennius first mentions Arthur.
Because the Celts and the early Anglo-Saxons were oral cultures, stories about Arthur spread quickly. In the 12th century, historian Geoffrey of Monmouth recorded the legend of Arthur as it has been subsequently handed down.
What are the common characteristics of a Medieval Romance?
Characters are knights, queens or kings. It usually idealizes chivalry. It narrates the adventures of the hero-knight. It is set in castels, gardens,forests ( in natural areas). An important element is the knight's love for his lady. It includes magical and supernatural events. It uses concealed or disguised the identity of the hero. The forces of good often oppose the forces of evil. A dragon or a monster may symbolize the evil. The story leaves the reader with a feeling of optimism about the future.
What are the characteristics of the ''hero-knight'' in romances?
Birth of a hero is shrouded in mystery. He ignores his real parents and his true home. For a time his identity is unknow. After meeting a challenge, he claims his right. His success benefits his nation or a group of person.
What are the ''10 commandments of the Code of Chivalry '' and ''The Code of Chivalry'' and how did they guide a knight's life and behaviour?
''The Code of Chivalry'' is made up of three principal factors: religion, war and love of ladies.
So the principle of service God, his Lord and his lady regulated the knight's life and they governed the knight's rule of service. This three factors originated the ''10 commandments of the Code of Chivalry'' that are a reduction of the ancient code of chivalry.
What is Courtly love? & what is it not?
Courtly love is the knight's love for his lady so it's the typical love of courts and aristocracy.
Courtly love doesn't includes marriage.