Learning Paths » 5C Interacting

GLovison_works done during the year
by GLovison - (2012-05-01)
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<!--[if !supportLists]-->1)   <!--[endif]-->GROUPWORK:

A. FERESIN and G. LOVISON, The un-veiled novel: A research into the world of the untold. (doc)

We decided to work in group in order to better focus on the transformation of the genre of the novel. In addition we enjoyed continuing the investigation of The Hours (1998) to understand its collocation in the genre.

Team work has been conducted in phases.

We first defined the aim of the research and its criteria. We separately worked to the analysis of single aspects (narrative analysis). We redrafted the work together in order to include different results. We learnt new, interesting things and cooperated. 

The aim of this work is to understand how the novel changed in the last three centuries.

In the first part of the research, we singled out the features of different novels: traditional, Modernist and Postmodernist novel according to the suggested, conventional criteria of narrative analysis (title, time, space, structure, narrative techniques, characters, narrator, use of language, story line, plot, reader’s position, themes, ideology).

The results brought us to consider M. Cunningham’s The Hours (1998): the second part of the work deals with the complexity of the text. We recognized the coexistence of different elements, belonging to the previously analyzed models of novels, to discuss Postmodernist writing.


A.FERESIN, G.LOVISON, C.MAURI  and D.SORRENTI, Postmodern Truth: Exact Sciences show to Philosophy the impossibility to know reality. (ppt)

Starting from the document , given by the teacher, we put our attention on the Postmodernist awareness of the truth’s inexistence (even if this sentence could be a contradiction, it permits to centre the point).

Our aim was to analyzes what are the main historical moments which have caused so. In particular, our investigative centre has been the Sciences, the one which were considered objective and certain.

This is order to better understand Postmodernism’s reality and its consequences in our contemporary lives.

URL: http://www.marilenabeltramini.it/schoolwork1112/UserFiles/5CForm_AFeresin/postmodern_truth.ppt


G.LOVISON,  Reaching the unknown: The answer, a new start, the sense of life, the discover of the unknown, the destruction of pain, the problem solving, the turning point.(doc)

The aims are countless, but the only suicide’s known consequence is the end of life, not existence’s one .

Work’s aim and modality:

I’ve decided to deal with suicide topic for several reasons.

First, suicide involves reflection, courage and strength because you have to pass over your auto conservation spirit, “conscience” or heart (everyone choose the most suitable word) and your own life. In addition, the majority of times, the medias focus their attention on what there’s after the death. In my opinion, it’s useless because it’s unknown and human mind is too little and finite and lacking of the right instruments to answer this. So, it’s more important paying attention on what is suicide.

Therefore to find an answer, I analyzed different people suicide’s experiences (from characters/people of this school year documents), putting them in chronological order. Then, I reached a conclusion basing on the data emerged.


So, what does suicide mean?

Unfortunately I discovered there’s not a precise answer and a definition. I think the problem is in the causes themselves: everyone gives the suicide a particular meaning, according to his/her relation with his/her body and own life.

Indeed, all people’s suicide I’ve analyzed happened for a different reason. Escaping from truth is different from give one’s body for someone else’s life, as being physical destroyed is not feeling prisoner of your own body.

Last but not least, we are just able to say what suicide is not. It is not the continuity of life in this sensible world. And, as a postmodernism characteristic too, suicides assumes a different definition depending on who deals with.

URL: http://www.marilenabeltramini.it/schoolwork1112/UserFiles/5CForm_GLovison/reaching_the_unknown_glovison.doc 


G.LOVISON, Suffering: A compulsory stage (ppt)

Considering Julia Kristeva’s essays collection The Incredible Need to Believe: Lent’s Conferences (2011), I focused on the last essay Suffering. In particular, my aim was to analyze it in dept and to find out why people suffer, if it is necessary or not, what does believing mean and especially why people need to believe in something according to Kristeva’s point of view.

All these points have been dealt with reference to Christian religion, in order to find primarily the answers in it and secondly to extend the concept. Indeed, God is nothing else than what makes your life worth living and the one who let you suffer in order to reach the best joy: eternal life in paradise. This point is argued even in Jesus’ life itself: the crucifixion involving both physical and psychological suffering, is what let Christ able to transcend.

But, as I’ve said before, she extends this concept to a wider reality. Indeed, God is just a denomination of the Infinite Intellectual Love. And even in this case you have to suffer in order to reach it.

What’s most important is, independently from believing in God rather than in the Intelligence itself, why we need to believe. This is explained sustaining human mind’s finiteness. 

URL: http://www.marilenabeltramini.it/schoolwork1112/UserFiles/5CForm_GLovison/suffering.ppt