Learning Paths » 5B Interacting

DIacuzzo - 5 B - The Victorian Novel and Utilitarianism - Analysis of the Last Part of the Extract Mr Bounderby
by DIacuzzo - (2012-05-20)
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Analysis of the Last Part of the Extract Mr Bounderby


Saying that "Mrs Gradgrind hoped it was a dry ditch" the narrator shows her imbecility. Mr Bounderby goes on with his story as exaggerates it, saying that he was born with an inflammation of the lungs and of every other part of his body that is capable of inflammation. He adds he was one of the most wretch child of the period: the exaggeration od his past condition is used to underline the importance of his social climbing. After saying Mrs Gradgrind would have never touched him, she looks at her tongs: her imbecility is here underlined by the narrator.
The last sentence of the extract is very important: Mr Bounderby underlines that he has reached his present position only exploiting his determination and that he has done everything alone. He considers himself an example for everyone and he his proud of his efforce.