Learning Paths » 5B Interacting

DIacuzzo - 5 B - The Victorian Novel and Utilitarianism - Notes about Philantropy (21/5/12)
by DIacuzzo - (2012-05-21)
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Notes about Philantropy (21/5/12)


In the early years of 17th century the Poor Law was promulgated and it was a sign that society had realized low classes had got many difficoluties into surviving. Rich people were charitable because this made feel them good people. The Church had been making an important role in charity works during this period and also during the following ones.
During the Victorian Age philantropy works increased with the accomplishment of many foundations. The upper class and the middle one gave their money to foundations and the bond between religion and philantropy became stronger: in this way rich people found a tool to save their soul after death. After 1534 (the year of the Act of Supremacy) many confessions were born with the separation from Rome Church. One of the most important confessions of the period was Evangelists one, that believed that it was necessary to practice what Gospels said.
Also women had got an important role in society with philantropy good works. Right from the 18th century women began to take part in public throughout good works. They were looking for a place that was not their house: women had been being more educated (thanks to compulsory education) and men thought that charity was women's natural activity, because it was considered as an extension of their maternal abilities to society.