Learning Paths » 5A Interacting

EMongera - 5 A. From The Pre-raphaelite Brotherhood. The Anti-Victorian Reaction and Aestheticism. Oscar Wilde and Thomas Hardy
by EMongera - (2012-05-30)
Up to  5 A. From The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. The Anti-Victorian Reaction and Aestheticism. Oscar Wilde and Thomas HardyUp to task document list

Preface pag 400- Comprehension

According to Wilde:

-the artist is a creator of beautiful
things, but he should not appear, he has to show only art. Besides, he does not
want to prove anything to the world, nor has he ethical sympathies. He can
express everything through language and thought.

-The critic is the person who can
explain his impression of art and beautiful things in a different way. Autobiography
is the most important form of criticism.

-Art is Beauty and it is surface and
symbol at once, which is a paradox. Moreover, it is useless, so it is not made
for any purpose except for art itself.

-Morality is part of the material the
artist uses to create art. As concerns books, they cannot be considered moral
or immoral, they can be divided only in well written or badly written.