Learning Paths » 5B Interacting

RContin - Modules in Progress. Module 1
by RContin - (2011-10-06)
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-          reflection on argumentation (written and oral)

-          to be able to organize and write an argumentative text on given topics



-          A. TOYNBEE, The Chief Features of the Industrial Revolution, 1884. (Extract)

-          T. S. ELIOT, Essay. (Extract from a series of talks broadcast to Germany after World War II )

-          M. DRAGHI – J. C. TRICHET, La lettera, from “Corriere della sera”, giovedì 29/9/2011, pag 3.

-          J. BAGGINI, How Steve Jobs changed capitalism, from "The Guardian", Thursday 6 October 2011.



-          textual analysis including structural analysis, concept mapping and awareness of textual organization;

-          reading singling out statements, concepts, examples, clarification, quantity data;

-          recognizing connectors;

-          getting familiar and practise with micro-language;

-          adding new information to personal background knowledge.



-          typical language of argumentation (specific vocabulary)

-          nominal style