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FLedda - New poems for analysis - Funeral blues, men are, poem p. 443
by FLedda - (2011-10-15)
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The title
of the poem contain the words "Funeral", which is strictly connect with death,
and "blues", which is "a feel of melancholy and sadness". From a poetry which
such a title we can't expect nothing different from a poem which talks about
feelings like emptiness, despair or other emotions related with the death. The
poem has four quatrain; each quatrain has a rhyming couplet. In the first line
there is the alliteration of the sound "o", followed by the same sound in the
other stanza's lines, also with a few number; which is used to "introduce" the
atmosphere of the poem. The first stanza, with the use of the verbs in
imperative, seems to be a sequence of orders, of things to do in order to obtain
the silence that is needed for a funeral. The atmosphere start to became
darker, heavier from one word to the next one. 
The second stanza change the topic: not more the silence, but the
atmosphere, what should the people do, how should they show their pain and what
to dress giving theirs condolence to the family of the dead. The third and the
fourth stanza are a "love letter" to the lifeless. The reader can feel the sufferance,
the pain, the bitterness of the writer. He/she lost everything: the beloved,
the happiness, and now he feels like the one who died was him. He can't be
happy, he can't be "alive" anymore. Now he is like he were dead.

Men are

The poem
title is "Men are". It's a simple title, that don't tell in advance anything;
it says only who's the subject of the poem. There is only one stanza, with two
rhymes in the middle and at the end. There are seven lines, each one begin with
the word "men". Without the first line, the poem could be a list of men's "ideal
quality": they are strong, rough, tough and brave. With the first line the
meaning of the poem tip over. With the simple repletion of "Men are" we can recognise
the irony of the poem and understand that those "quality" aren't the ideal
ones. The poem is simply a persiflage of men.

without title at page 443

The poem has
one stanza of eight lines. The lines ended with the same word in alternate rhyme.  The first four lines talks about "heavenly
clothes", the most beautiful, embroidered clothes;  which the teller said he had. From the fifth
to the last line the teller said that he wanted to spread them under his
beloved's feet, but he couldn't because he was poor; so he did it with his
dreams. It's easy to understand that the poem talks about love, the love of a
man who haven't got enough money to guarantee his beloved a beautiful life. The
only thing he could give to his beloved are his dreams and his love. The poem is a love letter.