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GBaiutti - New poems for analysis
by GBaiutti - (2011-10-16)
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 The title of this poem is "Wishes for the cloths of heaven". It was written by William Butler Yeats.

 The poem is made up of eight lines. The first and the third line finish with the word "cloths", the second and the fourth line enede with the word " light". The other lines follow this rythm and they finish with the words "feet" and " dreams".

Right from the first four statements he who is the protagonist conveys the idea he would have wonderful clothes made of impossible things.

In the following phrases the reader understand that he is poor but he would give his dreams for the person he loves.

In fact he would sacrifice incredible things but he has got anything, so he is ready to give his most important things and he ask the beloved to be aware of this big action. He proposed himself and the loved has to appreciate this.