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TSegatto - New poems for analysis. Men are.
by TSegatto - (2011-10-20)
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MEN ARE, The Joeys


The title of the poem is "Men are", written by The Joeys. It is also a song, but in the text it is reported only a short piece of the song. From the title the reader understands the poem is about men and what they are: what are their features. It foregoes the reader the men are important.

The text is made up of seven lines. In each of them the first word is "men" followed by an adjective, that described them. All the verbs are in the simple past. The repetition of the word "men" make the reader be aware of the existence of each man that in the world.

The poem describes the characteristics and the behaviour of the men. In the first line the reader can note the repetition of the words "men are" three times. This alliteration introduces the argument of the poem.

In the second, third and forth line there are described the features of the men with some adjectives. These three lines have a strong sound that understand the reader the men are strong, tough, surly and rough.

The fifth line makes the reader see the men are not only, but they have mates. Thus each man has a friend, with him shares the life.

The sixth line allows to understand the reader that men like drinking beer and this is what they always do.

The last line sums up the men are brave and do not show fear. Indeed they protect women and they are not afraid of nothing.

The poem single out men's figure, and tells about their custom, the behaviour they have and the feelings they feel.