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3ALS_ NCasotto_of the druids
by NCasotto - (2018-01-24)
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''Commentaries on the Gallic war'' written by Julius Caesar is one of the most important historical sources of the Gallic Wars, a series of military campaigns(?) . In this eextract, Caesar speaks about the role of the Druids, a most influential figures in a Celtic society.
Druids do not go to war indeed that have an exemption from military service; they must study for twenty years and they are said to learn by heart a great number of verses, and to write something they use Greek characters.
Druids use this practice for two reasons: first because they do not desire to divulge their doctrines and not to devote themselves the less to the efforts of memory.
They teach to the youth to respect : the stars and their motion, the extent of the world and our earth, the nature, the power and the immortal gods.