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RGrimaldi-A text about Kipling's poem
by RGrimaldi - (2018-01-28)
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Kipling’s aim was to make his child ready to face his life in the best way and make him a wise person with an idea what he knows.

Mr. Kipling says if his child can trust himself, always tell the truth, never give way to hate him and never give up his projects, he will become a decent uman. Only when he will be facing success and failure in the same way, behaving each other as he/she has done with him and being prepared to risk in life, he will being a grown-up.

Kipling’s poem is awesome and thanks to it we can know what a sensitive and sensible person was him!

Mr. Kipling cared about his son and he wanted to transmit his experienced to him to help him during the life. The poem ends with the sentence here: “Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, and- which is more- you’ll be a Man, my son!”. The phrase contains love, pride and hope for his son and the Man that he will be like.