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JCasagrande - A text about Kipling’s poem
by JCasagrande - (2018-01-28)
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In this text l am going to explane what is the message and some my consideration about the poem "lf” written by the novelist Rudyard Kipling for his son.
The message that this text wants to give to readers is: "never give up" in front of difficulties and in front of obstacles that people or life puts you. Because for became a man you must to became a persevering person. A persevering person is one who continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success. But you also became a patient person, one who is able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
I think this is very true, because for became a man and a mature person you have to be like that, for living better your life. I think is difficult but it’s necessary, for feel good in our society, and good with yourself.
I think that Kipling wrote a poem and not a letter because with the poem he canned to use some figures of speech and made a profound text with this tipe of text.
In conclusion I think this poem is really beautiful, because the meaning is profound and important for every person.