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FBenincasa- She Dwelt Among The Untrodden Ways
by FBenincasa - (2018-02-26)
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She Dwelt Among The Untrodden Ways

The personal intention to write an argumentative text follows the need to provide a possible reason for WordsWorth decision to write She Dwelt Among The Untrodden Ways.

In deed,I would like to explain whay in my opinion the poet composed such lines and manly because he was fascinated by Lucy for some reason that is not explained make clear in the text.

It goes without seeing that the misterious reason that explain for the poem composition is only indirect line 12 when the intelligent reader understand that Lucy’s death implies a relevant difference in William word’s life.

The very first name of the maid conveys a positive illuminating visual image and it follows that the choise of such proper name make surely be significant in the economy of the text. The name adds an identity to the character and this intelligently placed in the last quatrain. The choise is meant to live the reader with the curiosity about the young lady up to end of the poem and as a result the reader is offered a reason to go on reading.

If one like analyse in litterary text he or she cannot help remembering Romeo’s word( What’s a name?). The name is the person since whenever you think on somebody you generally associate the person to a specific proper name or in colloquial language to a nickname.

The lay-out makes the structure immediately visible: it is arranged into three quatrains of four lines. It is a typical structure, ther.e aren’t ryme couplet but alternate ryme. The poet used many esclamation marks at the end of lines to highlight his nostalgic felling. Reading the poemi it transmits distance, with long vowels.

Lucy probably was a particular girl different from others, with different habits. The main content is purity, that nowadays it isn’t appreciated because people has a woman’s sterotypes. Therefore, nobody is interested to her, they don’t like her. But, the poet make us understand that for this reason he admired her, because she was a unique, particul girl. For him, she is the only star in the sky, a violet by a mossy stone and he suffers for her death.