Textuality » 3BSA Interacting

MPauluzzi - 25/10/2017
by MPauluzzi - (2017-10-25)
Up to  3BSA - A VIRTUAL FESTIVAL. Meeting a novelistUp to task document list


D'Avenia was born on 2 May 1977 by Rita and Giuseppe, a third of six children.Since 1990, 
he attended classical Vittorio Emanuele II high school in Palermo, where he met
Father Pino Puglisi,who taught religion in the same institute, whose figure is strongly
influenced as well as that of the teacher of letters. In 2000 he graduated in classical
letters to the Sapienza of Rome; he then won the Ph.D. in Siena, which will complete in
2004 with a thesis on "sirens" in Homer and their relationship with Muse in the ancient world.
While engaged in the PhD, she teaches for three years in middle schools.
He will then attend the specialization school for secondary education;
He is currently a professor of letters in a classical high school.
He founded an amateur theater company and turned a short film.
In 2006 he attended a master film production in Milan at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. His work as a writer starts at the same time as a teacher. The white debut novel like milk, red as blood
goes out in 2010 and quickly becomes an international success, reaching one million copies and
twenty-two translations in 2017.The second title of D'Avenia is Things Nobody Knows, published in
November 2011 and translated into ten languages.He collaborates as a publicist with some Italian
newspapers (Avvenire, La Stampa). As a screenwriter, in 2008 he signed some episodes of the third series of
Life Bites - Life Pills at Disney Italia.In 2011-2012 she worked on the film screenplay of Bianca as
the red blood-like milk produced by Rai Cinema,coming out in theaters in April 2013. In October of 2014 her
third novel , What hell is not translated into three languages ​​in 2017.His first three
books are (according to the MIUR website among the ten most beloved books by young Italians.
On October 31, 2016, he came out of his fourth novel, The Art of being fragile.
As Leopardi can save you life also becomes a theatrical work.


Bianca come il ltte rossa come il sangue
(romanzo), Milano, Mondadori, 2010;
Cose che nessuno sa(romanzo), Milano, Mondadori, 2011;
Ciò che è inferno non è (romanzo), Milano, Mondadori, 2014;
L'arte di essere fragili: come Leopardi può salvarti la vita (romanzo), Milano, Mondadori, 2016;
Ogni storia è una storia d'amore (romanzo), 2017.


1)why did you decide to write books? 2)Did your family help you when you were a boy? 3)what importance do your brothers have for your life? 4)did you spend a good childhood? 5)do you like to teach? 6)did you always like to study? 7)how are you passionate about reading? 8)what is happiness to you?