Communication » 1ALS Communication

MBurba - Homework 28.11.2017
by MBurba - (2017-11-28)
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Es 3 page 27


1)         F

2)         T

3)         F

4)         Ds

5)         F

6)         Ds


Es 5 page 27


The sociologist doesn’t mentioned nuclear family and multi-ethnic family


Es 6 page 27


1)         Doesn’t give

2)         Cohabitation

3)         Is

4)         Are

5)         Diversity


Es 7 page 27


1)         Agree

2)         Agree

3)         Agree

4)         Agree

5)         Disagree

6)         Disagree

7)         Agree



Es 8 page 27


In my country the types of families are like the English ones. There are married or civil partner couple family that could have children or not. Then there are cohabiting couple family and single-parent family. There are stepfamily , nuclear family and extended family too. Especially in big cities there are multi-ethnc family. In the past there were more extended family and nuclear family than nowdays. There were more married family with children but nowdays there are more stepfamily and single parent family. Now there are more family without children and especially there are more multi-ethnic family.