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FOlivo - The Celts
by FOlivo - (2018-01-23)
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The Celts

Points for summary:

  • The Celts were established in Ireland a century before Christ and they dominated the island for a thousand years
  • The Celts had come to be known in an area comprising Bavaria, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary and Bohemia and others country of Europe
  • The Celts were not the first inhabitants of Ireland. In 6000 B.C. immigrants came to Ireland from Scotland. They were mostly farmers. In 2000 B.C. a new group of setters had arrived in serch of gold and copper
  • The Celts had the advantage of having weapons made of iron
  • Ireland was divided into 5 kingdoms. Local wars were frequent but not prolunged. The unity of the country was the culture
  • S. Patrick brought the Christian faith mostly in North Ireland
  • All Gaelic families discended from one great granfather and for this reason everyone was eligible to succed to the throne
  • The Celts formed a special group amon the freemen. They included lawyers, medical men and poets. Subsquentely professions tended to become hereditary in every family
  • The Celts left many marks on Ireland and its people that have remained
  • English become the language of legal, political and administrative life end Irish disappeared




The Celts were established in Ireland a century before Christ and they dominated the island for a thousand years. They did not originate in Ireland, indeed they had come to be known in an area comprising Bavaria, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary and Bohemia and others country of Europe. Before Celts, in Ireland there were others populations. In 6000 B.C. immigrants came to Ireland from Scotland. They were mostly farmers. In 2000 B.C. a new group of setters had arrived in serch of gold and copper.

Ireland was divided into 5 kingdoms. Local wars were frequent but not prolunged. The unity of the country was the culture.

The Celts had a very particular society. Indeed all Gaelic families discended from one great granfather and for this reason everyone was eligible to succed to the throne. Furthermore the Celts formed a special group amon the freemen. They included lawyers, medical men and poets. Subsquentely professions tended to become hereditary in every family.

The Celts left many marks on Ireland and its people that have remained, but with the passing of the centuries English become the language of legal, political and administrative life end Irish disappeared