Communication » 2LSCA Communication

GDotteschini - WEEK II - Correction
by GDotteschini - (2020-03-19)
Up to  2LSC A - WEEK II: 9th - 15th March, 2020 - Online Study for Prolonged School Closure.Up to task document list

 Articles, Quantifiers, Pronouns 

 Reported Speech 

es. 1 pag.1 Scegli l'alternativa corretta per le parole in corsivo.

Are you enough well well enough to go to work today?


es.3 pag.2 Completa le frasi con le preposizioni corrette di luogo o di moto.

Would you rather run to a beach for 10 minutes or jump  into a swimming pool? = along

Do you prefer sitting at the back of the cinema or   in      the front? = at

 Which floor of a 40-floor block of flats would you rather live at  ? =on

 Do you find it easier to walk up or to a steep hill? =down

es. 4 pag. 2 Riscrivi le frasi in forma corretta, aggiungendo aanthe o – (nessun articolo).

 I’m going to the shops.

es.2 pag.3 Scegli l’alternativa corretta per le preposizioni in corsivo.

 6Over In At On winter, the Dangerous Sports Club holds a race at in on down the Alps, in which competitors ski down along across above a ski-slope near beside over on unusual objects. =on

 es.9 pag. 5 Riscrivi le frasi senza le parole superflue

No, you didn’t get hit but you might have got hit./

No, you didn’t get hit but you might have got.

 There isn’t any milk. / Yes, there is some milk.

There isn’t any milk. / Yes, there is some.

es.6 pag. 2 Segna () le frasi corrette e correggi quelle sbagliate ().

 My glasses are upstairs. Can you fetch me them? V Fetch them for me?

es.7 pag. 2 Riscrivi le frasi in modo più naturale, usando soneither nor.

I neither canmake it. =Neither can I

Completa la seconda frase per dar enfasi alle parole in grassetto.

All they want is just to lie on a beach and relax. /What they want( to do)is to lie on a beach and relax.

It was special because of his atmosphere / was the atmosphere that made the restaurant special rather than the food./was the atmosphere rather than the food which made the restaurant special.

What makes my son crazy is skateboarding./ what my son is crazy about is skateboarding.

es.2 pag. 3 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi

  ‘Ivy was happy,’ he said.

He said that Ivy has beenhappy. = had been

es.5 pag. 4 Completa la tabella

I’d like to know who are those people =  who those people are.

 Leggi l’informazione e completa le frasi con le parole del riquadro. A volte ci sono varie risposte corrette. 

  1. I was watching a film. I fell asleep.
    I had fallen asleep before/when the film finished. = by the time