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1LSAB - ANalon - DAD. WEEK from 7th - 15th January 2021
by ANalon - (2021-01-07)
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I can find specific details in texts about dream jobs.

Look at the title of the article and the photos.
In pairs, answer the questions.
1 What do you think the people's jobs are?
1 I think the people’s job are: a dreaming and playing.
2 What do they do in their jobs?
2 Ella tests beds, whereas Tommy flyers around the world testing water slide. 
3 Which job do you think is more exciting? Why?
3 For me the most exciting job is fly around the world testing water slide.

1. Read and listen to the article and check your ideas in Exercise 1.

 Look at the words in blue in the article. What part of speech are they?
1 demanding adjective
2 employer noun
3 factory noun
 4 customer noun
5 earn verb
6 company noun
7 resort noun
8 responsible adjective
9 salary noun

Look at the words in blue in text A and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1 If a job is demanding,
A it's difficult and you work hard.

2 An employer is
C a person or business people work for.

3 A factory is not
A an owner of a business.

4 A customer is
B a shopper.

5 When you earn money,
C you get money for work.

Match the words in blue in text B with the definitions.
1 a business that makes and/or sells things - company
2 money trom an employer for work (usually every month) – salary
3 having a duty or job to do something- responsible
4 popular places for tourists - resorts

Read the article again and answer the questions. Write E for Ella or T for Tommy. 1 Who says he/she doesn't work hard? E
2 Who travels in his/her job? T
3 Who is doing the job for a short time only? E
4 Who says his/her job can have a negative aspect? T
5 Who has a job of testing a product for sale? E
6 Who uses the money to pay for his/her education? E
7 Who needs to fill in questionnaires in his/her job? T
8 Who meets a lot of people in his/her job?T

Read the article again. Choose the correct answers, A, B. C or D.
1 Ella works
D to earn money for her studies
2 Ella
C writes a blog
 3 Tommy
C meets a lot of people
4 Tommy
B earns a good salary

In pairs, decide which job, A or B, these sentence are about.
I don’t like water B
That job is scary B
That job is boring A
I wouldn’t like people to see me in my pyjamas. A
It’s very lazy job. A
That job is a lot of fun. B

1 Which country is the Pace Corps from?
1 The Peace Corps is from US.
2 What does the Peace Corps is do?
2 The Peace Corps work with children and adults. They teach subjects such as English, Business Skills and Information Technology.
3 Where do the volunteers work?
3 They can work in health, education or agricolture

L Listen again. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
1 Peace Corps volunteers live and work in fifty-seven countries. F
2 Amy likes the place where she's living. T
3 Terri doesn't like physical work. F
4 Some patients work in the hospital garden. T
5 The children learn more than to bake bread. T
6 Richard says being a volunteer is easy.F