1LSAB - DAD. WEEK from 7th -15th January 2021

Deadline Friday January 7th, 2021
Video lesson: Ed. Civica
Peace Corps Volunteers Activities p. 43 from Text book
Deadline Friday January 8th, 2021
From Focus Now 1
-Activities pp. 46-47
From Grammar in Progress
Study in depth pp.104; 110. (revising Simple Present and Present Progressive(Continuous)
Deadline Tuesday January 12th, 2021
Video lesson: oral test
ED. CIVICA The Corona Virus Rules for FVG Visitors
Study The Corona Virus Rules for FVG Visitors
From Focus Now 1
-Activities pp. 204-205
From Grammar in Progress
- Study in depth p. 108;
- Activities p.109
Deadline Thursday January 14th, 2021
Video Lesson:
- A Song for Peace: Imagine (J.Lennon)
- Oral tests for 3 SS
- Write a short text about the content of the song
Deadline Friday January 15th, 2021
Video Lesson:
- Oral tests for 3 SS
- Asynchronous lesson for the rest of the class Reading Activity
- class test for Querin and Tonin
Listening Activity: Malala Yousafzai on winning the Nobel Peace Prize (upload them on the present folder)