Communication » 1LSAB Communication

classtest ANalon
by ANalon - (2021-03-18)
Up to  1LSAB. DAD. March 18th, 2021. CLASS TEST II. TERM 2Up to task document list



Surname Nalon Name Angelica Date 18/03/2021

ACTIVITY 1. Write a letter to your friend Mark to tell him about your last weekend. Let him know all that you did on Saturday and Sunday.

Hi Mark,
How are you? I hope you're fine and not too busy!
Last Saturday I got up at 8.00 a.m. and I washed.
I had breakfast and I started video lessons.
At half past one I had lunch with my family.
In the afternoon I did my homework and at six o'clock I went for a walk with my dog.
At night, I watched TV, and at ten o'clock I went to bed.

Sunday has been unforgettable for me.
After an entire week studying I decided to get some time to myself.
I woke up at 8 in the morning and after breakfast, I decided to go for a walk in the mountains with my dog.
The day was beautiful and sunny, we took a long walk along the lake. After the walk, we ate and then we played.
I came home at 5:00 in the afternoon, I had dinner with my family at 8:00.
I went to sleep at 10, I was very tired

Consistency 1-10; Textual organisation 1-10; Use of language 1-20 Maximum score: 40 points

ACTIVITY 2. Answer the following questions
Was Albert Einstein a good student?
No, because he was only good at science.
Did he play any instrument?
Yes, he did, he played the violin.
Could he speak any foreign language?
Yes, he was good in foreign languages.
Did Kristen Stewart like her school friends when she was a teenager?
No, she diden't.
Why were her friends jealous of her?
Because she could act really well.
Did Johnny Depp like acting?

How did you like your junior high school?
No, I didn’t like it
Did you practice any sport when you were at primary school?
Yes, I did.
How did you spend your free time when you attended the junior high school?
With my free time, I met my friend Alice, or I played with my dog
10. What were you good at when you were at primary school?
When I was in elementary school I was good at gymnastics and

Maximum score: 20 points (from 1 to 4 points for each textually coherent answer.)

ACTIVITY 3. Insert the correct verb form.
1. I go training (to improve) my knowledge
1.1 to improved
2. If It rained you (not go) on the school trip
2.1 couldn't go
3. After school the girls (to run) after their schoolmates. They generally (to have a snack), and (to play games).
3.1 running 3.2 have a snack 3.3 play games
4. It is 6:00 o’clock and Mary (to watch) a tennis match.
4.1 are watching

5. Who (to leave) for London at 7:00 o’clock last Saturday?
5.1 did leave
6. They generally (to cycle) to school last year.

6.1 cycled
7. she (to spend) her Easter holidays in Spain last year? And, what about you? Where (to go)?
7.1 was spend 7.2 did you go
8. your friends generally (to have a rest) after the lesson? I never do.
8.1 having a rest
9. Who (to see) my friend Jane? She (to be ) in the garden a few minutes ago. She (to look) relaxed?
9.1 did see 9.2 was 9.3 was look
10. We often (to go skiing) before the pandemic but this year we (not to go) because it may be dangerous.
10.1 go ski 10.2 we don't going
11. If I (to be) you I wouldn’t go out in this weather.
11.1 I'm
12. (to read) aloud is useful (to improve) your pronunciation.
12.1 reading 12. to improve
13. My mother was watering the flowers when Tom (to call) her from the kitchen.
13.1 called

Maximum score: 20 points

Total score: 80 points
Pass mark: 48 points

L4 - Utilizzare una lingua straniera per scopi comunicativi ed operativi
L4c. Descrivere in maniera semplice esperienze ed eventi, relativi all’ambito personale e sociale
L4d. Utilizzare in modo adeguato le strutture grammaticali
L4f. Scrivere brevi testi di interesse personale, sociale o professionale