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The Objectives We Fostered [4C]
The present space is meant to gather all study documents, links and files connected to the objectives we fostered from The Lisbon Strategy.

Our Objectives

Telling about our project

Strategic objective 1: Improving the quality and effectiveness of education and training systems in the EU, in the light of the new requirements of the knowledge society and the changing patterns of teaching and learning :
  • Objective 1.1.: Improving education and training for teachers and trainers
  • Objective 1.3.: Ensuring access to ICT for everyone
Strategic objective 2: Facilitating the access of all to education and training systems, in the light of the guiding principle of lifelong learning, fostering employability and career development as well as active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion:
  • Objective 2.1.: Creating an open learning environment
Strategic objective 3: Opening up education and training systems to the wider world, in the light of the fundamental need to foster relevance to work and society and to meet the challenges resulting from globalisation:
  • Objective 3.2.: Developing the spirit of enterprise
  • Objective 3.3.: Improving foreign language learning

*January 19's Conference

*[author: Valentina Stincone - postdate: 2007-03-28]

*ICT - Group: FToso, DMossenta, LMagonara , VLiguori , SFracaros, LBianchin

*[author: Beltramini Marilena - postdate: 2007-03-25]