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LFioretti - When I am angry I generally...
[author: Luca Fioretti - postdate: 2007-10-21]

When I am angry I generally...


When I am angry with someone I generally avoid him but after a short time I look back at what happened and I try to make it up with he or she who  I have quarrelled with, since it pointless to remain angry  for a long time.!

Many are the times when  I was angry with my parents, my sister and friends but I always tried to find the serenity that might join us but once or twice, now I don't remember well, anger was slowlier  and divided me from them

When I am usually angry I lock in my room and I start to read a book without understand anything because I think of a thousand other things, then the person with whom I am angry begins to send me messages apologies and he wants to make peace, I try not to answer but then I look back and I give a positive sig ofl response and therefore we make  peace.  On the contrary if it was me to cause discord, I am the one who gives the first hint of reconciliation.