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ERegeni - Questions About Poetry
[author: Elisa Regeni - postdate: 2007-10-16]



What is a poem?

A poem is a particular use of language; it is different from the one of ordinary speech, because it is more complex. In the poem there are sound and visual aspects, like echo effects and the layout. The poem is made of stanzas and lines.

In which way is it different from ordinary speech?

A poem is different from ordinary speech, because ordinary speech is easier and more superficial than a poem. In a poem, words have a lot of further meanings, beyond the literal meaning of words. Also in a poem word order is not always like the ordinary speech. Finally word choice is more careful.

How are words selected and arranged into a poem?

In a poem words are carefully selected by a poet, after a long work of selection, they are arranged into stanzas, or groups of lines.

What is rhyme and what does it depend on?

Rhyme is the repetition of the same vowel sounds.

What is rhythm and what does it depend on?

Rhythm is another aspect of sound and it is created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in different alternations and combinations.

What is an internal rhyme?

An internal rhyme is a rhyme that falls within a single line.

What do we mean by rhyme scheme?

A rhyme scheme is the representation with alphabetic letters of the order of rhymes in the end of lines.

What is alliteration? Make an example.

Alliteration is the repetition of the same sounds or syllables at the beginning of near words, for example "window" and "windy".


What is assonance? Make an example.

Assonance is the repetition of the same vowel sounds in the end of syllables of different words, for example some assonance learn from the poem "In lands I never saw - they say" are "brown" and "battleground", in this case we find the repetition of the vowel sound "a" at the end of some syllables.

What is consonance? Make an example.

Consonance is the repetition of the same consonance sounds in different words, for example some consonance learn from the poem "In lands I never saw - they say" are "immortal" and "firmament", in this case we find the repetition of the consonant "m" at the beginning of some syllables.

Which is the basic united of rhythm?

The basic unit of rhythm is  the metric foot.

What does metric foot consist on?

A Metric foot consists on the creation of sounds movement and it is created by the sequence of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Which is the pattern of the iambic foot?

The pattern of the iambic foot is a word where there is an alternation  stressed - unstressed syllable

Which is the pattern of a trochaic foot?

The pattern of the trochaic foot is stressed. - unstressed syllable 

Why is the layout important?

The layout is important, because it lets you understand what kind of text  yoare  going to read. For example if you read a narration it is written in prose but if you read a poem it is written in verses.

What does it add to meaning?

It requires the reader to respect pauses and other conventions.
What is an onomatopoeia? Provide an example.

An onomatopoeia is a word that evokes through its sounds what it means.
An example is the sound of barking of dogs "bau- bau" or the sound of knocking on a door "toc- toc".

What is a stanza?

A stanza is a pattern of three to ten lines.

What is a free verse?

A free verse is when a poem does not follow a regular metre and its rhythm is very close to the musical sound of natural speech. There isn't a rhyme scheme, because the poet prefers to rely on alliteration, assonance, consonance, repetition.

What is denotation and connotation?

Denotation is the literal meaning of words and connotation is all the associations connected to them.

What is a lyric form of poetry?

A lyric form of poetry is one conveying personal emotions, inner thoughts and private feelings.

What are figures of speech and what is their role?

A Figure of speech is  the form of expression which deviates from the literal expression of meaning to create a particular linguistic effect.

Examples of figures of speech are the metaphor, a comparison obtained by replacing a word with another which has something in common with the first; personification, giving human characteristics to something; simile, making an explicit comparison between images, things, people or situations signalled  by "like", "as" or the verb "resemble"; symbol, something concrete which stands for something else.