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SAncona - Questions about Poetry
[author: Sara Ancona - postdate: 2007-10-16]

1. What is a poem?

A poem is a different use of  language . A poem sends a message through words in which it is written.

2. In which way is it different from ordinary speach?

A poem is different from ordinary speach in: layout, sound aspects, word order and there are also rehtoric figures creating particular meaning.

3. How are words selected and arranged into the poem?

In the poem words are selected according to particular meanings and they are not organized in line with the same order of everyday speech.

4. What is rhyme and what does it dipend on?

Rhyme is the repetition of the same vowel sounds. It dipends on the similarity of sound.

5. What is rhythm and what does it dipend on?

Rhythm is the repetition of sounds and pauses. It depends on the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables.

6. What is an internal rhyme?

An internal rhyme is a particular figure of speech in which words inside lines rhyme.

7. What do we mean by a rhyme scheme?

A rhyme scheme is a succession of words that rhyme arranged according to peculiar patterns.

8. What is allitteration?

Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound..

9. What is assonance?

Assonance is the repetition of the same vowel sound.

10. What is consonance?

Consonance is the repetition of the same consonants.

11. What is the basic unit of rhythm?

The basic unit of rhythm is the metric  foot.

12. What does a metric foot consist of?


13. Which is the pattern of the iambic foot?

The pattern of the iambic foot is: unstressed, stressed / unstressed, stressed / unstressed, stressed /... ...

14. Which is the pattern of the trochaic foot?

The pattern fo the trocaic foot is : stressed, untressed / stressed, untressed / stressed unstressed / ... ...

15. Why is the layout important?

The layout is important because ti distinguishes poetry from prose and it signalls particular pauses in a poem.

16. What does it add to meaning?

It adds emphasis and it creates a visual effect.

17. What is an onomatopeia?

An onomatopeia is a figure of speech that reproduces sounds that exist in nature.

18. What is a stanza?

A stanza is the arrange into single lines and/or groups of lines.

19. What is free varse?

Free verse is a particular group of lines arranged without following a specific pattern.

20. What is denotation?

Denotation is the attribution of a conventional meaning to something.

21. What is connotation?

Connotation is what the word suggests, the associations it elicits.

22. What is a lyrical form of poetry?

A lirical form of poetry expresses the personal thoughts, emotions and moods of a character.

23. What are figures of speech and what is their role?

Figures of speech are linguistic devices which depart from the usual order of words or from their literal meaning to create a particular effect in the language of a literary work and an image in the reader's mind.