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GAllegro - Questions About Poetry
[author: Giulia Luisa Allegro - postdate: 2007-10-20]

1. What is a poem?

A poem is a work of art; it is made of lines and it makes a particular use of language. It is

organised in patterns.

2. In which way is it different from ordinary speech?

It is written in lines whose length is decided by the author and not by the


3. How are words selected and arranged into a poem?

Words are selected and arranged so as to produce a wide range of

sound patterns.

4. What is rhyme and what does it depend on?

Rhyme is when the last word of the line has the same sound with the last word

in another line of the same poem.

5. What is rhythm and what does it depend on?

Rhythm depends on the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables.

6. What is an internal rhyme?

Internal rhyme is a rhyme that occurs within the line.

7. What do we mean by a rhyme scheme?

A rhyme scheme is ia pattern of sounds generally represented by the letters of the alphabet.

8. What is alliteration?

Alliteration is the repetition of the initial consonant sound in two or more words in a

line or consecutive lines.

9. What is assonance?

Assonance is the repetition of the same vowel sound within a line or at the end of a

line; for example nine and white.

10. What is consonance?

Consonance is the repetition of the same consonant sound within a line or at the

end of a line; for example head or bird.

11. Which is the basic unit of rhythm?

The basic unit of rhythm is a metric foot.

12. What does a metric foot consist of?

A metric foot consists of the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables.

13. Which is the pattern of a jambic foot?

The pattern of a jambic foot is unstressed syllable, stressed syllable..

14. Which is the pattern of a trochaic foot?

The pattern of a trochaic foot is stressed syllable, unstressed syllable..

15. Why is the layout important?

The layout is important because it is an aspect that marks out the poem from a simple text.

16. What does it add to meaning?

It can create pauses which affect the reading pace and the meaning of the text.
17. What is an onomatopeic?
An onomatopeic is a word whose sound suggests meaning.

18. What is a stanza?

A stanza is an arrangement into single lines or groups of lines.

19. What is free verse?

A poem in free verse has no regular metre or line length.

20. What is denotation?

Denotation is the plain meaning.
21. What is connotetion?
Connotation is what the word suggests and the associations the words created in the reader.
22. What is a liric form of poetry?
A liric poem expresses the personal thoughts, emotions and moods of a single speaker.

23. What are figures of speech and which are they?

Figures of speech are stylistic devices used to add to meaning. They are:

PERSONIFICATION: the attribution of human characteristics and feeling to animals, plants, inanimate objects, abstract ideas.

SIMILE: an explicit comparison wich uses "like", "as" or "as if" to join two unlike things.

METAPHOR: an implied comparison which omits linking creating a total identification between the two compared object.
SYMBOL: a concrete objects which stands for something abstarct, like ideas, feelings, emotions and associations.