
from 99 to 02

99/00 – Lecturer at Udine’s "Petrarca” State Middle School. Title: “The Teacher and the Challenges of Change”;

99/00 – In charge of Funzione Obiettivo for Area 2: Teachers’ support at Liceo Scientifico “A. Einstein” Cervignano del Friuli, Udine (Italy);

01/02 – Winner of a post at General Direction (U.S.R. Friuli Venezia Giulia) as teacher supporting school autonomy ex – Lege 448/98, (N. Prot. 5319 Trieste, 31st August 2001) for: Area A: Planning, Design and Integration of Educational Policies and Area B: Promotion, Assistance to National, European and International projects: drafting of guidelines for participation in projects;

01/02 – Workshops Co-ordinator “Suggestions and Didactic Guidelines” for the introduction of minority languages in Friuli Venezia Giulia's nursery, primary and middle school curricula according to the multilingual model;

01/02 – Co-ordinator of I Trans-national General Seminar for the Project “A European Training Programme for the Creation of a Network between Europe and the Balkans" Trieste, 25 - 26 October, 2002, with the participation of the reference teachers of Italy and the foreign countries taking part in the cooperation project. (The seminar activities included: welcome, organization, workshops co-ordination, translation of materials and the workshops different reports meant to illustrate the various cooperative educational activities);

01/02 – Co-ordinator of “Workshop on Competences Certifications” for I.S.F.O.L. together with M.I.U.R. and Friuli Venezia Giulia General Direction (Italy), held in Pordenone with the participation of Post-diploma paths designers (I.F.T.S) of the whole region;

2002 – Lecturer at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia - Spain), Faculty of Modern Languages. Title: Language Learning and Intercultural Competences in European and Trans-national Projects , 29 November 2002;

from 02 to 04

01/03 – Member of the national and trans-national project team for the Project “A European Training Programme for the Creation of a Network between Europe and the Balkans" promoted by M.I.U.R. (the Ministry of Education, University and Research), the General Direction for International Relationships and coordinated by the Veneto's Regional Institute for Educational Research (I.R.R.E.) with the collaboration of the General Directions of Lombardy, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto;

01/03 – Winner of a post at General Direction-U.S.R. Friuli Venezia Giulia as teacher supporting school autonomy, ex – Lege 448/98, art. 26 comma 8, Area Development of the Languages of the European Union and Minority Languages, Support to the School Reform Process in the area of Foreign Languages;

02/03 – Reference person for General Direction - U.S.R. Friuli Venezia Giulia for the support to the School Reform Process in the area of the Languages of the European Union and Minority Languages;

02/03 – Lecturer for General Direction - U.S.R. Friuli Venezia Giulia at the Meeting on the Training Programme for the Schools experimenting the New Reform, on April 8th, 2003, Prot. n. 2719/P/C12, 10.03.03;

02/03 – Lecturer on "Going Deep into the Innovative Aspects of Reform Concerning Nursery School" at Sacile’s Didactic Direction in the Area of Professional Training, on April 3rd, 2003 in collaboration with the School Technical Inspector, prof. O. Serena;

02/03 – Member of the Scientific Committee for the Management of Relationships in Trans-national Contexts of;;

02/03 – Member of Project Team for the On-line Project “Cultural Alpe Adria” in charge of preparing the material for the generation of the site “ Didactic Paths” and for the Opean Distance Learning and On-line Support and Tutoring in vehicular language (English);

03/04 – In charge for the Area “Multimedi@ in Didactics” supporting Learning and Teaching with Multimedia tools;

03/04 – Co-ordinator of the International Meeting of the Students “The Future of Young People in an Enlarged Europe“ on behalf of the General Director of U.S.R. Friuli Venezia Giulia, held in Gorizia and Nova Gorica to celebrate the entry of Slovenia into the European Union, 7-9 May, 2004. It implied organization, implementation and management of Austrian, Italian and Slovenian students’ workshops;

from 04 to 05

04/05 – Teacher Representative for Friuli Venezia Giulia, at the National Training Seminar on European Citizenship, on behalf of the General Director of U.S.R. Friuli Venezia Giulia, dott. Piergiorgio Cataldi, Ostuni, (Brindisi), Italy, September 28- October 1st, 2004, Prot. N. 11484/C23;

04/05 – Reference person for ENE Trans-national Project: Education to New Europe - Portfolio of the European Student for Liceo Scientifico “A. Einstein”, belonging to I.S.I.S “Malignani”, Cervignano del Friuli, Udine (Italy); workshops in mixed working groups;

04/05 – Reference person for the European Comenius - Garden of Eden for Liceo Scientifico “A. Einstein”, belonging to the head school I.S.I.S “Malignani” of Cervignano and accompaning teacher for the delegation of representing Italian students to the activities of the “European WeeK” at Geel Belgium, October 2-7, 2004 for the same project;
04/05 – Teacher representative for the Friuli Venezia Giulia, on behalf of the General Director of U.S.R. Friuli Venezia Giulia, dott. Piergiorgio Cataldi, at the Secondo Campus of the Students of Europe, Orvieto, 26-29 October, 2004;
04/05 – Reference person for the International Network Project "Education to Peace” with the path “ Imagining Peace ” in collaboration with Udine’s University (Italy);
04/05 – Lecturer at "Campus of the Students of Europe ”, 10 - 12 March, 2005 on Students’ Training to European Citizenship, organized by General Direction-U
.S.R., Veneto. Title “The European Dimension and Secondary Education. Usingn Acquired Competences in one’s Territory.

from 05 on