SALS Teacher's Input

The link provides a synthesis of the discussion concerning learning styles that together with the stratgies one adopts are responsible for individual self-regulated learning processes provided the learner gradually acquires a reasonable level of metacognitive awareness.

Sternberg e gli stili cognitivi.
The link sums up the key concepts of Sternberg's research on learning styles

Strategie di apprendimento linguistico - Language Learning Strategies
The power point presentation provides an introduction to the concept of learning strategies with specific reference to the language learning ones. It also affers a classification of strategies and discusses them in their discrete forms.

Anna Uhl Chamot, Issues in Language Learning Strategy Research and Teaching.
The article is meant to provide teachers with an updated contribution about research on language learning strategies and, thanks to its author's permission , it is now available also in the Italian language (my translation).

Useful resources for learning strategies may be found in attachment.

A Power Point presentation by Rebecca Oxford.
Learning Styles and Strategies in the Multimedia Age